jesus christ...
Om jag känner mig själv rätt så gör jag bäst i att inte lita på mig
way up on the clouds in the sky singin!
love life!
det känns att man lever
då får jag bli som jag blir
i wish life had an "undo" button
the first cut is the deepest
kom precis in, har vart på långpromenad med hundarna och tog en fika hos min far.
ska nog ta och käka lite youghurt med musli nu, fett niiice!
lägger nog upp lite bilder senare, orkar tyvärr inte nu.
men ja, skriver sen! :)
kan man älska nån' på avstånd?
haha ååh vad jag saknar min flickvän!
hon är den bästa och finaste flickan i hela världen faktiskt, de visste ni inte vaa?
once a failure, always a retard
Once a failure, always a retard go through the books just dream I went to school with an offer for my teacher he thought, please don´t look down on me But I will, oh oh oh oh Well I don´t care about your modern decoration in your home so why should you care about mine I´ve had enough of this comfort conversation in my mind you´re all retards anyhow Cause if you think love will come towards you like a warm summerbreeze you got your head among the clouds and you will never be free you´ll spend many nights alone i know If you don´t feel the way I do it don´t matter cause, I´ll never know how you feel but if you do then sure I´d be flattered in my mind it´s all different anyhow I think love will come towards me like a warm summerbreeze I got my head among the clouds and I will never be free I´ll spend many nights alone I know I know Cause I have and I will.
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Dagens Låt
Every second chance, begins with a first step
Dance like no one is watching
Love like you have never been hurt
Sing like no one is listening
Live like heaven is on earth
Life is not measured by the numbers of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath
Att våga är att förlora fotfästet en stund... Att inte våga är att förlora sig själv
"everything has to come to an end but in life, every end is a new beginning..."
No guy is worth your tears & when you find one that is, he won't make you cry
"Always follow your heart. It knows the best and it will lead you in the right direction."
Follow your own heart, not others
to be apart from what you´ve done,
to find the truth inside yourself,
and not depend on anyone.
I love you
not only for what you are,
but for what I am
when I am with you.
Man kan inte vara nere med en ballong
Sometimes, the last thing you want comes in first.
Where will I meet my fate?
Baby I'm a girl, I was born to hate.
And when will I meet my end?
In a better time you could be my friend.
It's been so lonely without you here
Like a bird without a song
Nothing can stop these lonely tears from falling
Tell me baby where did I go wrong
I could put my arms around every boy I see
But they'd only remind me of you
I went to the doctor n'guess what he told me
Guess what he told me
He said girl u better try to have fun
No matter what you'll do
But he's a fool
`Cause nothing compares
Nothing compares to you
Me for you
And you for me
It was us against them all
But slowly it came to me
What was underneath it all
I never thought that you could be this reckless
I can't believe you're doing this to me, oh
Strip me down
I'm naked now
börjar må bra äntligen!
ska nog hem snart och kolla vidare på desperate housewifes, har hela season 2 boxen så började kolla på det idag när jag höll på dö av bakishet (?) haha.
skriver senare!
sorry för dålig update föresten
even heaven is hell without you
You've found hope, you've found faith, Found how fast she could take it away. Found true love, lost your heart. Now you don't know who you are. She made it easy, made it free, Made you hurt till you couldn't see. Sometimes it stops, sometimes it flows, But baby that is how love goes. You will fly and you will crawl; God knows even angels fall. No such thing as you lost it all. God knows even angels fall. It's a secret no one tells; One day it's heaven, one day it's hell. It's no fairy tale; take it from me, That's the way it's supposed to be. You will fly and you will crawl; God knows even angels fall. No such thing as you lost it all. God knows even angels fall. You laugh, you cry, no one knows why But OH the thrill of it all... You're on the ride, you might as well Open your eyes You will fly and you will crawl; God knows even angels fall. No such thing as you lost it all. God knows even angels fall. Even angels fall Even angels fall
Miss "no way, it's all good
Change the voices in your head Make them like you instead So complicated Look how we all make it Filled with so much hatred Such a tired game
Dagens Låt
it breaks her tears with so much pain
Jag saknar dig mitt hjärta!
you'll never shine alone!
Dagens Låt.
I watched his wildest dreams come true Not one of them involving you
bring you back to the start
Dagens Låt.
svarta tårar.
Mina tårar har målat om hela stan och mitt hjärta är en trottoar Jag har varit ett nöjesfält och kyrkogård jag har väntat i tvåtusen år Då kom han från himlen en atombombsdag och han red en elektrisk vit svan
Han föddes ur smärta en vinterkväll och hans hjärta är ett hotell Han öppnade portar ingen trodde fanns han är både en kvinna och man Han har tagit min oskuld för en provrörsson han är skyldig till oväpnat rånGatorna har aldrig varit så långa så fulla med skitig snö Mitt spegeliv är en gudarnas plåga Nu klär jag granen i aska och glöd
kan inte sova, kan inte drömma.
maybe i'll just try
The bottom of a bottle is my only friend
I think I'll slit my wrists again and I'm
Gone, gone, gone, gone
My legs are dangling off the edge
A stomach full of pills didn't work again
I'll put a bullet in my head and I'm
Gone, gone, gone, gone
Gone to far yea I'm gone again
It's gone on to long tell you how it ends
I'm sitting on the edge with my two best friends
Ones a bottle of pills and ones a bottle of gin.
(Charlie Scene)
I'm twenty stories up, yea up at the top
I've polished off this bottle now it's pushin' me off
Asphalt to me, has never looked so soft
I bet my momma found my letter, now she's calling the cops
I've gotta take this opportunity before I miss it
'Cause now I hear the sirens and there off in the distance
Believe me when I tell you that I've been persistent
'Cause I'm more scarred, more scarred then my wrist is
I've been trying to long with too dull of a knife
But tonight I made sure, that I sharpened it twice
I've never brought a suit before in my life
But when you go to meet god you know you wanna look nice
So if I survive then I'll see you tomorrow
Yea I'll see you tomorrow...
My legs are dangling off the edge
The bottom of a bottle is my old friend
I think I'll slit my wrists again and I'm
Gone, gone, gone, gone
[ Lyrics from: ]
My legs are dangling off the edge
A stomach full of pills didn't work again
I'll put a bullet in my head and I'm
Gone, gone, gone, gone
We hit the sky, there goes the light
No more sun, why's it always night
When you can't sleep, well you can't dream
When you can't dream well, what's life mean?
We feel a little pity but don't empathize
The old are getting old, watch a young man die
A mother and her son, and someone you know
Smiles at each other and realize you don't
You don't know what happened to that kid you raised
What happened to that father, who swore he'd stay
I didn't know 'cause you didn't say
Now momma feels guilt, yea momma feels pain
When you were young, you never thought you'd die
Found that you could but too scared to try
Looked in the mirror and you said goodbye
Climbed to the roof to see you if could fly
So if I survive then I'll see you tomorrow
Yea, I'll see you tomorrow...
My legs are dangling off the edge
The bottom of a bottle is my old friend
I think I'll slit my wrists again and I'm
Gone, gone, gone, gone
My legs are dangling off the edge
A stomach full of pills didn't work again
I'll put a bullet in my head and I'm
Gone, gone, gone, gone
I wish that I could fly
Way up in the sky
Like a bird so high
Oh I might just try
I wish that I could fly
Way up in the sky
Like a bird so high
Oh I might just try
Oh I might just try
somehow i want more???
snart så flyger jag bland stjärnor
Can you take what you need, but take less than you give?
Could you close every day, without the glory and fame?
Could you hold your head high, when no one knows your name?
That's how legends are made, at least that's what they say.
We say goodbye, but never let go.
We live, we die, cause you can't save every soul.
Gotta take every chance to, show that you're the kinda man who;
Will never look back, never look down,
and never let go. ♥
... att fler människor dödas av åsnor varje år att än som omkommer i flygolyckor?
... att kalkoner kan drunkna om de tittar upp med öppen näbb under hällregn?
... att just nu är ca 0,7% av världens befolkning berusad?
... att man inte ens behöver ett könsorgan för att nå en orgasm? Det går att få orgasm bara genom att tänka på upphetsande saker.
... att Josef Stalin använde platåskor för att se längre ut?
... att det finns 17 866 poliser i Sverige?
... att håret på huvudet växer omkring 1,3 centimeter på en månad?
... att människor och delfiner är de enda djurarter som har sex för lusten skull och inte bara för att få avkomma?
... att på ett dygn sväljer vi i genomsnitt en liter saliv?
... att Elvis Presley är egentligen brunett?
... att Jimi Hendrix låtsades vara bög för att slippa amerikanska armén?
ta aldrig någon för givet.
i'm gonna make it all right
How the hell did we wind up like this?
Why weren't we able, to see the signs that we missed
And try turn the tables
I wish you'd unclench your fists, and unpack your suitcase
Lately there's been too much of this
But don't think it's too late
Nothing's wrong, just as long as
You know that someday I will
Someday, somehow
I'm gonna make it all right but not right now
I know you're wondering when
(You're the only one who knows that)
Someday, somehow
I'm gonna make it all right but not right now
I know you're wondering when
Well I'd hope that since we're here anyway
That we could end up saying
Things we've always needed to say
So we could end up staying
Now the story's played out like this
Just like a paperback novel
Let's rewrite an ending that fits
Instead of a Hollywood horror
Nothing's wrong, just as long as
You know that someday I will
Someday, somehow
I'm gonna make it all right but not right now
I know you're wondering when
(You're the only one who knows that)
Someday, somehow
I'm gonna make it all right but not right now
I know you're wondering when
(You're the only one who knows that)
How the hell did we wind up like this?
Why weren't we able, to see the signs that we missed
And try to turn the tables
Now the story's played out like this
Just like a paperback novel
Let's rewrite an ending that fits
Instead of a Hollywood horror
Nothing's wrong, just as long as
You know that someday I will
Someday, somehow
I'm gonna make it all right but not right now
I know you're wondering when
(You're the only one who knows that)
Someday, somehow
I'm gonna make it all right but not right now
I know you're wondering when
(You're the only one who knows that)
I know you're wondering when
(You're the only one who knows that)
I know you're wondering when
du är så ****** att du inte ens vet vad du snackar om.
till arbetsförmedlingen nu!
i just wanna live
har varit som vanligt här uppe, vart as fint väder så har vart ute å gått mkt faktiskt..
hm, festade lite ihelgen, i fredags förkrökade vi lite här, jag jennifer ricky kenneth och två till som jag inte kommer ihåg vad dom heter.. as roliga var dom iallafall!
sedan rullade vi vidare till någon annan person, där HB't kom fram, å det märktes nog ganska bra på de flesta då det slutade med att jag, jennifer och ricky hamnade på något fyllekäk ställe, åååh typiskt liksom..
kom iallafall hit sen då kenneth kom å så sov vi alla här, vaknade med någon förjävla bakisvärk iallafall, ont i hela kroppen så ricky och jennifer gjort bakiskäk till oss medans jag å kenneth halvsov i soffan hahaha, stackarna..
vart chill hela lördagen iallafall med mys och film, sedan så har jag inte gjort så mkt idag, kenneth kom förut så spelade alla vi fyra Tecken, ricky å kenneth vann för dom fuska, dom jävlarna..
saknar jannice som fan föresten, pratade lite med henne idag å märkte då att jag saknar henne någe sjukt.. får ta igen allt när vi ses igen!
aja, nu ska jag sova iallafall, skriver imorgon!